The Ride Sharing Driving Experience

Being a ride share driver can be very rewarding. I get to see and interact with new people every day, which is both interesting and fun for me. The best part about ride sharing is that I set my own hours and can stop doing it whenever I want. Right now I work about three days a week, but on the other days I’m free to do whatever I want instead of watching someone’s else’s schedule on top of mine.

What challenges did I face? One challenge I’ve faced since starting ride sharing is that there really aren’t ride share companies operating in my area. I do ride sharing for Uber to earn money, but they don’t have their own ride share drivers in my city so I also drive for Lyft. That means if someone needs a ride and uses the ride sharing app on their phone, chances are much higher that it could be either company instead of just one single ride share company!

A major challenge to ride sharing as a job right now is that there are limited ride share zones. If you are moving through areas where ride shares can not or should not pick up or let off passengers, then you’re out of luck working at all! The lack of regulation currently makes it difficult for like mine to expand into new ride share zones, which means ride shares have to be put on a schedule or ride sharing won’t work very well.

What are the benefits? Ride share companies provide plenty of benefits for drivers because there’s no other alternative! They don’t need to cut into your pay by using any middle man services like a dispatch service to get you driving customers. Drivers can use their own cars and existing insurance policies to transport other people around, saving both ride share companies and customers money. All rideshare companies offer a rating system for customers so they know what kind of ride to expect from the ride sharing driver. There will always be those who try out ride sharing at first but not continue as long term jobs since it doesn’t fit their lifestyle as well as ride sharing, but ride sharing does work well for employees who are self motivated and independent.

It’s also worth mentioning how there ride share companies provide ride sharing drivers with additional insurance while working for ride shares themselves. Employees working at ride shares receive extra liability coverage that goes beyond the limits of any existing rideshare policy they have already. This is part of ride sharing company Uber’s program to provide their drivers with more value than just a ride from point A to B!

What do I like best about it? Ride sharing allows me to meet new people every single day. It doesn’t matter what city I’m in or where I go throughout the day because I have this job option available wherever I might want or need to drive my own car. Working ride shares also saves me money on my own car insurance policy because ride sharing drivers carry their own liability coverage while working ride shares. That means I only pay for ride sharing when there’s a ride to give instead of having to buy additional auto insurance for it!

People rely on ride share companies more than ever these days, especially since many people don’t have cars or can not drive themselves around every day. There are some ride share areas that allow employees to take advantage of the ride sharing lifestyle, but there aren’t any ride share companies providing job opportunities in all cities across the country. The lack of ride sharing zones available is one major challenge faced by current riders who want to earn money driving other people around; however, the benefits greatly outweigh this ride sharing challenge and ride share companies provide plenty of ride sharing opportunities throughout the country for those who enjoy meeting new people and driving their own cars.